Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Welcome Back

Hello and welcome to the first blog of the new school year, from Kestrel Class.

Mrs Walker, Mrs Laing and I have had a great couple of weeks getting to know our new class. The children are adapting well to their new routines.

In Maths, we have been investigating 2D shapes and talking about the properties which the different shapes have. For example, we now know that a circle has 1 side, but no corners. We had fun making our own shapes from geo-strips. (Photos to follow...)This week, we will be sorting shapes according to their properties.

In Art, we have been observing our facial features to help us to draw portraits of our friends. I was amazed by the level of concentration shown by the children and their attention to detail. Some of our work is on display on our Celebration Display in Kestrel Class, so please pop your heads round the door and have a look, next time you are in school.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via the green Home to School diary or before or after school.